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request in SCA Digest V8 #917

To: sca@mc.lcs.mit.edu
Date: 22 Jun 1995 10:59:25 -0700
From: "Paul R. Stratton" <stratton@dns1.seattleu.edu>
Message-ID: <3scb1t$9da@bach.seattleu.edu>
Organization: Seattle University, Seattle, WA, USA
Subject: Looking for L. Bienkowski

A friend asked me to post this to the list.


"I am looking for a lost friend, last reported in southern Atlantia,
talking about moving to Trimaris.  She is a fencer, SCA name unknown,
mundane name L. Bienkowski.  Anyone who knows her, please ask her to call
L. Woodings at (206) 637-8538.  Her presence is urgently requested at
Pennsic, Thursday afternoon/evening of war week, camp of Clan Cambion."
