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Quest for Henry's Ankles

     Greetings all from Deoca,
     Yes, the Henry's Ankles Bardic Extravaganza is still ON! I'm very much 
     looking forward to seeing the entries. So far we have Corun's 
     limericks and Melys's short but entertaining filk.
     I spent some time this weekend thinking about the competition, and 
     I've settled on the final version of the rules. Since the whole thing 
     started with a joke about vikings singing to Hal, songs will get extra 
     credit, as will all things norse.
     The deadline is set for Friday. However, the judges all gain access to 
     the Merry Rose via their places of employment, which means it'll be 
     Monday morning before we have a chance to view the final entries. So, 
     as long as it's appeared in my mailbox by 9:00am on Monday, the 3rd, 
     it will be accepted. (My messages seem to experience a 3 to 4 hour 
     delay from time sent until they appear on the list. Be sure to take 
     this into account.)
     The judges are Coutess Ianthe, Lady Celynnen and myself. I would still 
     like to have a male judge, Hal wasn't too geeked about judging :-)
     I've noticed that the list is kinda quiet this week. I'm attributing 
     that to the fact that everyone in the kingdom is busily writing a 
     unique "Ode to Henry's Ankles".
     Thank you all and I'm looking forward to a heated competition.
     Deoca of Elvegast