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[rousseaua@Immunex.com: Re[2]: Trying again, last one bounced. Classes for 30th Year]

    ================= Begin forwarded message =================

    From: rousseaua@Immunex.com (Rousseau, Anne-Marie C)
    To: gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu (John Strauss)
    Subject: Re[2]: Trying again, last one bounced. Classes for 30th Year
    Date: Mon, 26 Jun

    Hello Henry, from Anne-Marie.
    You sed:
    "Good to hear from you. By all means, send me the stuff. I'm
    glad to hear you found my suggestions useful."
    Well, here it is. Please feel free to format it as needed, but please don't 
    delete anything unless youi check with me first.
    I appreciate your ideas, and look forward to seeing some of them fleshed out. 
    If nothing else, we're gonna have a lot of fun with a great slate of memorable 
    classes. SHould any other ideas occur to you, feel free to send 'em my way!
    Any chance of folks from your neck of the proverbial woods comeing out? Any of 
    them teachers?
    Thanks for your help and support in "spreading the word". The more information 
    we have going out, the more cross pollination of teachers I can get.
    Let me know if you have any questions,
    Greetings from Maitresse Anne-Marie d'Ailleurs, Coordinator of the Educational 
    Program at 30th Year!
    Are you interested in teaching for 30th Year Celebration, to be held
    in June of 1996 in Vancouver Washington (the Kingdom of An Tir)? I have the 
    honor of being in charge of coordinating these efforts. Please take a minute to 
    fill out this form, and return it to me at the address below. Go ahead and fill 
    out as many forms as you like, for as many classes as you'd be interested in 
    sharing with us.
    I'll be compiling all the forms that I get and contacting you all with the
    specifics of which classes we'd like to work into our Formal Collegium session. 
    I may not be able to fit in any or all of your classes for the formal session, 
    but will help you make sure that whatever you'd like to offer is made available 
    to the populace.
    Here's our chance to show the Known World the breadth and depth of skills and
    knowledge that we have available to us! I'm very excited by this opportunity,
    and hope to make this Collegium something for everyone to remember, instructors 
    and students alike.
    What kind of classes am I looking for? Pretty much anything, really. I am
    especially interested in those arts and science classes that are hands-on. You 
    know, the kind where the student walks away with something they made with their 
    own little hands...I am also intersted in classes on specific periods in 
    history, cultures, language, costuming surveys, science and philosophy, musical 
    theory and practice, etc. Think what the best Ithra/RUSH/Collegium class you 
    ever took was; that's the stuff I want!
    To give you some ideas, here's a list of topics that I'm interested in finding
     classes and teachers for:
    --Crusades (history, politics, who's who,  etc)
    --Kings of Europe and their Friends (Famous men)
    --Queens of Europe and their Friends (Famous women)
    --Medieval Universities
    --Philosophy, etc (Music of the Spheres, Mathmatics, etc)
    --Astronomy and Medieval Physical Science
    --Medieval Medicine
    --Famous people: Abelard and Heloise, Jean of Arc, etc.
    --General surveys of specific periods
    --Veils and Headdresses and Hairdressing
    --Shoes and Pattens
    --Tights and Hosen
    --Elementary T Tunics
    --Fabrics and Colors
    --Pattern drafting
    --Corset construction
    --Underwear in Period
    --Men's Trunkhosen
    --Lace making
    --Hands-on from any primary source (Apicius, Epilario, Forme of Curye, etc)
    --Brewing and Vintning
    --Herbs and Spices (for culinary)
    --Food and Eating in the Middle Ages (survey type course)
    --French (early, middle and late)
    --English (early, middle, late)
    --Celtic (Scottish Highlands, Ireland, Wales, Manx, Brittany, Cornwall)
    --Eastern European
    --Middle Eastern
    --New World
    --Asian (Japanese, Chinese, Mongol, Steppes)
    --Specific calligraphic hands, ranging from simple to the more complex
    (Uncial, Blackhand, Bastarde, Luxuiel)
    --Illumination techniques, decorative diapering, etc.
    --Materials and Methods (inks, papers, pens, etc)
    --Gold leafing
    --Bookbinding (chap books, as well as stab binding, etc)
    --Scroll layout and design
    --Survey of Calligraphy in period.
    --Medieval board games
    --Medieval card games
    --Medieval run-around-and-act-silly games
    --Game board construction
    --Philosophy of Music in Period
    --Reading period notation
    --Vocal or instrumental forms 
    --Drumming for Middle Eastern Dancing
    --Medieval and Renaissance Dance
    --Middle Eastern Dance (especially line dances)
    OTHER SCIENCES (or are they arts?)
    --Jewelry fabrication
    --Glass bead making
    --Chainmail knitting
    --Woodworking, furniture, techniques, tools and historical surveys
    --Forging and metalworking
    Please be aware this class listing is by no means exclusive! There are just some
    ideas to get you thinking. We have a great facility: a real building with a 
    real kitchen, as well as a number of dayshade pavilions in the Campus area. As 
    you consider which classes you'd like to offer, please feel free to think about 
    how we can best serve you.
    I look forward to working with you, and look forward to getting your forms
    back soon. We hope to have the catelog finished several months before the 
    event, and so need to have them back by the December 20th, 1995.
    Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    I remain, with you,
    In Service to the Crown and to the people of our Kingdoms,
    Maitresse Anne-Marie d'Ailleurs,
    Coordinator of the Educational Programe at the 30th Year Celebration to be
    held in An Tir.
    30th Year Celebration Potential Instructors:
    Please fill this out for every class you'd like to offer. We'll look at all
    the ones we get back, and put together the best session we can. We'll be in 
    touch to confirm your class offering.
    Return this form and any questions to Maitresse Anne-Marie d'Ailleurs by
    December 20th, 1995 at the address below...
    Instructor's Society Name____________________________________________________
    Course Title______________________________________________________________
    Number of Hours you need to teach this class____________________________________
    Class size: (minimum)___________             (maximum)______________
    Course Description, as you'd have it appear in a Collegium catelog. This is
    your chance to sell your class! Please also include your qualifications for 
    teaching this class, mundane qualifications, etc whatever. This will tell 
    prospective students a little about you. Use the back of this form if you need 
    Facilities needed: (Preferred Table/Chair arrangement, how large a
    room, type of flooring, electric outlets, Kitchen, lighting, etc)
    Course cost: (minimum $0.50). This should cover all materials and supplies
    and copying charges for the class (per student).________________________
    Materials that will be supplied by the instructor (ie what is the student
    getting for their Course fees?) 
    Materials you need from the Collegium (slide projector/screen, water,
    electricity, table/chairs, chalkboard or whiteboard, etc)
    Prerequisites of the Student (do they already need to know a calligraphic
    hand, for example? Supplies you'd like them to bring? etc)
    Instructors Mundane Name__________________________________________________
    Phone number, and best time to call___________________________________________
    Have you taught this class before? When and for whom? RUSH/Ithra/Collegium? How 
    Please include any other useful information (a course outline would be
    great!) on the back of this form. When you're done, drop it in the mail, or 
    email it to:
    Maitresse Anne-Marie d'Ailleurs
    c/o Anne-Marie Rousseau
    3015 NW Market St. #B106, Seattle, WA 98107
    email: rousseaua@immunex.com
    phone: (206) 706-0749 (no calls after 10pm, Pacific time, please)