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Re: Pennsic Question

Xavier writes:

>Could anyone post a first timers guide to pennsic?

        Hoo, boy. *Now* you're going to get some mail! :)
        I don't have a pre-published guide, but if you'd like to email me
any questions you may have, I'd be happy to answer them ('though my only
expertise on this matter stems from having attended *almost* every Pennsic
since X).
        BTW, I'm teaching a "Welcome to the SCA" class on Wednesday of war
week (3pm in the barn). I don't know if you're new to the SCA or just new
to Pennsic, but this might be of interest to you. (Others are scheduled,
        Baroness Caitlin o hAodha
        Seneschal of the Barony of the Bridge, Kingdom of the East