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Re: Non Fighting Event Activities

>To the populace of the Merry Rose --
>	I'm thinking of autocrating ecnon fighting event and I would like
>some ideas for activities, competitions, displays, etc., that people would
>like to see at a non-fighting event.  

In Tir-y-Don we like to play board games:  backgammon, pente, cathedral, 
etc.  We often hold tournaments just for board games and people seem to like 
it a lot.   Bardic competitions are also very popular.

I understand from our folks that Cambok was really well received at Emerald 
Joust.  Perhaps a well advertised Cambok bout will be all you need to draw a 
crowd.  Let me know how it all turns out!  : )

Yours in service
Senescal, Tir-y-Don
                              What is worth most is often valued least.

                              kittyr@pinn.net                   Kitty Randall