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Re: Drummers At Pennsic
> Greetings to one and all,
> A simple question (I Hope), but does anyone know if there will be
> any members of ROLLING THUNDER, or any other Drum groups of the like, At
> Pennsic This year? I would appreciate any information on locating them if
> possible.
i'm Xavier a member of greater thunder abnd I will be up at pennsic for
all of war week. I also can't speak for the rest of thunder but will be
interested in drumming with you any time I can scrounge a drum.
(I have yet to get one and I may do so at pennsic)
I will be camping with windmasters hill more than likely
If you find out about any drumming groups please share the data
in the rhythmic dream
Eric Jon Campbell Sr Textile Engineering epaNCSU
(alias) Xavier Campbell amateur blacksmith and brewer
Virtual SCA Library ( One I help manage )
TAAS (Triangle Area Anime Society)