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Re: Peerage

Tibour -

>I tried to avoid discussing regalia, because it is so wide-spread and so
>varied.  In some kingdoms, only knights were spurs: in others, anyone does.
>Colored chains also vary by location.

I beleive that white belts, open-link gold chains and laurel/pelican
medallions are the only reserved regalia in Corpora.  Custom in each Kingdom
certainly dictates other sumptuary traditions.  In some kingdoms, Yellow,
Green and Red belts are ONLY for protoges, apprentices and squires; and woe
to the person who wears a belt that color who is not one of those things. 
In some kingdoms, protoges, apprentices and squires do wear those colors,
but so can anyone else.  Other kingdoms see no significance to a yellow etc.
belt at all.

In some kingdoms squires wear silver open-link chains.

But in all kingdoms, white belts are reserved for the chivalry.

You are correct.  In some kingdoms there is intense pressure on non-knights
not to wear spurs.  This makes it difficult if those same kingdoms also have
equestrian activities.  I have heard people advocate taking one's spurs off
immediately upon dismounting!

>I found some of these "don't wear this, don't wear that" proscriptions
>unusual...  but some are very deeply ingrained custom.

Very true!  I could add that coronets with pearls on them are *usually*
reserved for baron/esses and in some kingdoms even plain circlets are
reserved for the armigerous.  For example, I haven't seen nearly as many
plain circlets in Atlantia as in the West - but I don't know if that's just
because Atlantians aren't into wearing them or because there is a custom
actively against it.

I love discussing interkingdom anthropology!

>In some kingdoms (especially Eastern "Book" Kingdoms) Royal Peerages and
>Rose are also polled.

Really?  That is interesting to know!  I had not stumbled across this in my
year in Atlantia.  Is it true here as well as in the East?

>>  There are other Peerages as well.  These are not polling peerages.  I
>>  suppose you could call them 'entitlement' peerages, as anyone who meets
>>  qualification is entitled to the peerage.  These are Royal Peers.
>This is simply false.  A Patent is not awarded in each Kingdom for these
>other orders.  It varies, widely.

I do not beleive it is simply false in all kingdoms.  As you say, it varies


        - Anarra