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Re: Balls, sealing wax, gum a...

Anarra asks about sealing wax.

Attached is a period recipe that was posted to the Rialto.  There was some
discussion about what the "clear turpentine" meant; it was decided that it
probably meant the gummy resin of the tree, rather than the modern liquid.

begin attached message ================================

Subject: 16th C Recipe for Red Sealing Wax
From: jtn@eng2.uconn.EDU (Terry Nutter)
Date: 19 Jul 1995 23:17:13 -0400
Message-ID: <9507200308.AA24960@lurch>

Greetings, all, from Angharad ver' Rhuawn.

A while back, someone or other was asking about period sealing wax.
As I mentioned in another post a minute ago, I've been investigating 
a new-to-me 16th C cookbook (John Partrige, The Treasurie of Commodious 
Conceipts and hidden Secrets, 1573), and found the following.

        To make red sealyng wax.

        Take one pound of Wax .iii. ounces of cleare Tyrpentyne in 
        Sommer, in Winter take fowre: melte them together with a
        soft fyre: Then take it from the fire and let it coole:
        Then put in Uermylion berye fynely grounde, and Salet Oyle,
        of each an ounce, and mix them well together, and it is 
        perfect good.



-- Angharad/Terry