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Re: December Atlantia Events

>I checked Atlantia www page, but 
>only saw 3 events listed for December, are there any other events in the 
>NOrthern virginia (New Market/Timberville/Harrisonburg/Broadway) and near 
>germantown,md that I don't know about? I am planning on being in atlantia 
>from dec 8 - 26???

There are only three events listed in September's _Acorn_, but I suspect that
more will be added once everyone comes home from Pennsic and recovers.
 You'll probably have more luck in another month or two.  BTW, around here
"Northern Virginia" generally refers to the suburbs of Washington, DC;
Harrisonburg, etc. are in the Shenandoah Valley.

>Also, if someone could get me contacts with the seneschals or chatelaines 
>in those areas to see what kind of meetings they have that I can attend 
>while there..it would be greatly appreciated.

Germantown, MD is in the Shire of Roxbury Mill.  The Seneschale is Lady
Meraud de Dun Carraig who can be reached at meraud@access.digex.net

There are no groups listed for the Shenandoah Valley.  The nearest group is
probably the Shire of Isenfir (Charlottesville, VA).  The Seneschale is
Matilda Grill who can be reached at krd7u@virginia.edu

The greater Washington, DC area has at least six active groups - depending on
how you define "greater" you could almost double this number.

Let me know if you need more information.

Ranulf of Waterford, 
Barony of Ponte Alto,