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3YC (fwd)

Greetings good gentles in Atlantia...

The lurker from An Tir hasn't seen this posting on your kingdom mailing 
list and decided that it might be nice if you folks got a reminder as 
well of the upcoming price break deadline.

Kathleen O'Toole of Clan MacGuinness
Barony of 3M (a hop, skip and a jump away from 30YC site in Vancouver, WA)

And yes, I will be attending (day tripping) 30YC - the only unfortunate 
problem is that 30YC (June 7-16, 1996) is right during finals week and 
graduation (yes, I'm graduating college with a B.A. in English and a 
minor in Professional Writing on June 15)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 95 15:11:20 -0700
From: Gerry Stevens <Gerry_Stevens@mindlink.bc.ca>
To: antir@gaia.ucs.orst.edu
Subject: 3YC

To all those interesed in attending the 30 Year Celebration.

 Reminder from the Thirty Year Celebration Registration Autocrat
 Remember that the early price break ends October 1, 1995. That is
approximately three weeks from now. At this point, adult site fee is $20.00
American or $25.00 Canadian.

 Deadlines refer to postmarked date. Postmark is the deciding factor.
Admission goes up as 3YC gets closer. If the postmark is after a deadline
it mean you pay the extra $$. Registration won't be confirmed until the
extra $$ is sent in.
Thank you,
Amanda Kendal - gerry_stevens@mindlink.bc.ca