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Re: Pennsic in 'Time'


Yes, I do mean "Life"  Thanks for the correction!!

It has a picture of a father holding his young son who has malformed 'arms' (
a la thalidimide babies) and two artificial legs on the cover.

        - Anarra the Braindead  :/

>Are you sure you don't mean "Life" magazine?  I know there is a photo 
>spread and article similar to the one you describe in "Life" this 
>month, but I was not aware there was one in "Time," too.
>Lady Carthann Bean Eachann

>The November 1995 issue of T/i/m/e **LIFE** magazine has a four page photo 
>spread of the Pennsic war this year (or at least lots of pictures of 
>the fighters) and an explanation of the war that sounds like it was 
>written by a SCAdian.