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Re: Pennsic in 'Time'

Are you sure you didn't mean "LIFE" magazine?  I have mine here and it is 
definitely a LIFE magazine.  BTW the article is not that great but the 
pictures are.

On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, Terry L. Neill wrote:

> All -
> The November 1995 issue of Time magazine has a four page photo spread of the
> Pennsic war this year (or at least lots of pictures of the fighters) and an
> explanation of the war that sounds like it was written by a SCAdian.
> As an added extra bonus, you can read about the clusters of birth defects
> afflicting babies of gulf war vets.  :(
> Cost is $3.95.
> Enjoy.  Pass the word to the other 10 kingdoms, please.
>         - Anarra
> P.S.  Can someone on the An Tir list tell me how to re-sign-on to the list? 
> Thanks.