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Address Change


To all and sundry in the Merry Rose, Greetings!  I'm going to be dumping 
this address (dguptill@millkern.com) shortly. I'm moving my atlantia-l 
subscription to dguptill@aol.com for the momennt, and can be reached 
there. If it's urgent, send to dguptill@aftemail.attmail.com and it will 
dump right into my office mailbox.


*** Dexter C. Guptill, Computer Services, American Fed of Teachers
*** Cmdr, 49th VA Vol Inf, CSA (N-SSA); Pvt, Hampden's Regt of Foote (ECW)
*** AKA Ld. Erich von Kleinfeld, Stierbach, Atlantia (SCA)
DISCLAIMER: This is me, not AFT. They'd freak over some of my opinions...:-)