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(LONG) Atlantian University Catalog

Hmmm. I sent this out Monday, and it's not out yet on Thursday.
I will try again. Tanner, is there ANYTHING we can do about
this lag? 

                This is the E-mail version of the 

You are freely permitted, nay, encouraged, to distribute this
information in any medium for any benign purpose. Inquiries
regarding this catalog may be directed to the Chancellor, Henry
Best, at gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu.

The traditional snail-mailing of catalogs shall continue; but, in
that the distribution time of E-mail so outstrips that of the US
Postal Service, net-connected subjects of Atlantia are requested
to reprint this catalog and distribute it to others in your
respective local groups. You are further requested to assist non-
computer types in pre-registering for classes via E-mail, as
described later in this catalog.


December 2nd, 1995, The Canton of Kappellenberg will host the
Winter session of University Atlantia on the UNC campus in Chapel
Hill, NC.

Atlantia is a wealthy place, to have so many teachers. We are
offering a staggering load of 13 brimming full tracks and a
healthy brace of Town classes as well. Atlantians like to learn
and they love to share their knowledge. It's all pretty amazing.
The walls at the UNC Student Center will likely bulge outward
before we leave.

We've got literature. We've got rapier. We've got heraldry,
brewing, costuming, music, and dancing. We've got a metalworking
track that would make Tim Allen grunt with pleasure. We've got
fiber arts. We're going to make bread and cheese from scratch. We
are going to learn about building and setting up yurts,  chapels,
and discuss plans for even greater erections. There's much more;
but you will see it in the pages of this catalog.

The site opens up at 9 am and we will be doing registration by
9:30. First classes are at 10:10.  Last class ends at 6:30.

We are asking for a $5 donation at the door to cover expenses,
such as site rental, audio/visual equipment, printing and mailing
the catalog. Our breakeven point to recover costs will be just
under 200 people. But I want to note: we are more interested in
your _participation_ than your _cash_. If you cannot afford to
pay, please come as our guest. The non-member tax will not be
levied at this event.

Kappellenberg will be offering a simple lunch for a very nominal
fee, to sustain you through the afternoon. There won't be a feast
that  evening; but space will be available for off-board eating.
The restaurants of downtown Chapel Hill are only two blocks away.
We will have a guide to all the local eateries.

Oh, heavens no! The site will stay open after classes. After
supper, our gracious hosts will put on a Dessert Revel and Dance,
all for free, featuring live music by performers from all over
the kingdom. There will be plenty of space and time to relax
after a hard day of scholastic endeavor and simply schmooze with
friends. We won't be starting to shut down until 11 PM.

It's covered. Childcare will be available during class at $5 per

Ah! Pre-registration is a good thing. It makes the registration
lines shorter in the mornings. It puts you in the express check-
in line. It gets you first crack at the classes you want. It gets
me fewer dirty looks from my overworked registrar.

I am pleased to announce that we will be supporting pre-
registration via e-mail. If you use this service, PLEASE be sure
to include ALL the information found in the form at the end of
this catalog, lest the registrar be wroth with me.

Kappellenberg and Windmasters' Hill will be providing crash
space, that you may be well rested for class and not do
inherently dangerous things like fall asleep driving home. 
Contact Fern de la Foret (Laurie Erickson) Phone (919)929-5026
to get a place to stay. 

There are also hotels in the area. Here's a partial list. Red
Roof Inn: (800) 843-7663, Hampton Inn: (919) 968-3000, Holiday
Inn: (919) 929-2171, Best Western: (919) 932-3000, Tar Heel
Motel: (919) 929-3090. More hotels can be found by contacting the
Autocrat, Giovan Falconieri, at hudson@cs.unc.edu.

>From the North: Find I-85 south to North Carolina.  It will merge
with I-40 west of durham.  Get on I-40 east, and go to NC54, exit
273 B, east of Chapel Hill.  Go 3 or 4 miles down NC 54, staying
on that road (NC 54 will turn off, ignore this).  Shortly after
NC 54 turns off, you will enter the university campus.  Keep
going until you are immediately past the Bell Tower on your left
side.  There is a streetlight there for the parking lot, called
the Bell Tower lot.  Park in there. The student union is on the
other side of the street from the bell tower, at the previous
light (you passed this earlier).

>From the East or West: find I-40 headed into Chapel Hill.  Get
off at exit 273B, NC 54, and follow directions above.

>From the South: If you're in Sanford or Fayetteville, come up US1
to Raleigh, get on I-40 West, and get off at exit 273B, NC54. 
>From South Carolina or Charlotte, or nearby areas, come up I-85
North, which merges with I-40 in Greensboro.  Follow directions
from the west.


Beyond the debt of gratitude we all owe to the teachers at this
session and to the people of Kappellenberg, I would especially
like to thank Elizabeth Beaufort, Corun MacAnndra, Anne
Elizabeth, Tadhg macAedain, Corwyn Sinister, and Giovan
Falconieri for their profound help, hard work, and patience. 

I hope to see you, December 2nd.
                    Henricus Bestus
                    Magister Scholarum
                    Universitatis Atlantie

Here begins the list of classes for UA #39. For pre-registration
purposes, here's what you need to know about the class numbers:

A) There are seven class periods during the day. Three are before
lunch and four are after.

B) The last digit of the class number tells you which period it
starts in. Example: class 33 and 123 both start in the third hour
of the class day.

C) Some of the classes last more than one hour. Such classes make
note of this in their description.

D) If you try to pre-register for two classes which are scheduled
for the same time, the most likely result is that you will have
to register from scratch on Dec 2nd. Elizabeth Beaufort, our
Registrar, IS superhumanly amazing; but she cannot give YOU the
power to attend two classes at once.

E) The exception to the numbering scheme is the set of TOWN
classes listed at the end. Their numbers all start with T. Each
description explains the special scheduling concerns of that
class. In some cases, it may be possible to take a town class and
play hooky for an hour to take a different class.


11) Reading and Understanding Shakespeare - Corun MacAnndra 
     A journey into the dialect and language of Elizabethan
England and Shakespeare's work specifically. The course will
cover aspects of the construction of the language of the period,
the differences between structure used by upper and lower
classes,  and how this was used in the literature of the time. 

12) Rhetoric - Phillip Bell 
     Alright, Corun taught you to read. Phillip will teach you to
speak. The material will come from _Late_ Old English, Late
Middle English, and perhaps some Latin. This class will
familiarize you with period formats of rhetoric, the prevalent
modes, tropes, and figures. Learn the basic patterns of
discourse, and feel your persona begin to come alive in speech. 

13) Grammar - Phillip Bell 
     But wait! There's more! To continue, Phillip provides a
class on period grammatical concerns, including spelling,
punctuation, proper use of "st" and "th" (hast, hath, e.g.), of
thee, thou, thine, et cetera. In the closing exercise, each
student will compose a letter in persona.

14) From Ballad to Verse - Dr. Gyrth Oldcastle 
     2 hours. If you can talk, you can write passable verse.
Carpenters use drawings, wood, and nails; clothiers use patterns,
cloth, and needles; artists use models, paints, and brushes.
Poets have patterns, tools, and raw materials too, and, by and
large, they weigh a lot less (the tools and such --- not the
poets). We'll discuss the raw materials, tools, and patterns you
need to write poetry of your own, at least, the sorts of poetry
they wrote in the Middle Ages. If time permits, the class will
compose a deathless piece of actual verse in an actual medieval

16) Dante - Angharad Melys 
     Speaking of period verse, drop by and learn about the poet,
Dante. Angharad will properly introduce you to Dante, initiating
a long and profitable association.

17) Havamal - Shinawassee Magnuson 
     Come brothers (and sisters) of the North and learn of the
ancient creed that runs in our veins. The Icelandic poets have
captured 165 verses of Odin, the High One, on paper to share with
us. In these verses, Odin provides us with a guide to living.
Learn what gear to travel with, when to praise a maiden, a wife,
or beer. Learn what is expected of hosts and guests, who/what to
trust and who/what to be wary of. Learn how to treat friends and
foes, when and how to woe. Learn the practical knowledge Odin
provides and discover why bachelor Norwegian farmers are so

21) Board Games - Arcturus of Buxton 
     A survey of some of the more popular medieval board games.
Learn a pleasant way to pass the time with your friends.

22) Baking Bread - Byrn y Pobydd 
     Byrn is going to teach you to bake bread; but, unlike Julia
Child,  Byrn is going to do more than just have you watch. You
guys are going to make the dough and your bread will be baked
during the day. You will reconvene later in the afternoon to see
the results. Sourdough, trenchers, and other such good things
will be discussed, maybe demonstrated for all I know. You need to
bring some equipment for this class: a big bowl (6 quarts plus),
a wooden spoon, and a bread pan or cookie sheet. Optional:
measuring cups, smooth (not terry) dishtowels, and a basket about
4 quart size if you want basket-shaped bread. There is a lab fee
of $2; but, hey, you walk away with a loaf of your own bread, eh?
Class limit: 12.

23) Build a Yurt - Corun MacAnndra 
     How to design and build a Mongolian yurt from the ground up.
The course will entail hands on experience setting up the
teacher's yurt. There will be a $5 fee to cover course materials
which will include a copy of The Gobi Home Companion and the
teacher's own yurt plans.

24) SCA Architecture - Dr. Dafydd ap Gwystl 
     2 hours. Building stuff to enhance SCA events. Examples
range from the lunatic to the sublime, from utilitarian to
special-purpose. The motive is simple: creative events need more
physical props than event sites provide. Dafydd has created a
number quasi-transportable architectural features, including a
rigid tournament fence, a merchant's stall, an entry arch, and a
small chapel with stained glass, all based on 15th century
examples. Other structures discussed will include the viewing
stands recently seen at Seven Deadly Sins, the two-story Tudor
merchant house at Pennsic, and the lecturer's plan to build a re-
creation of Bayleaf Hall for next Pennsic and designs for pre-
fabricated medieval townhouses that will not take much more time
to put up than a large pavilion.

26) Mongolian Costume - Corun MacAnndra 
     A session on the clothing worn by the Mongols and its
construction. This class will provide the student with ideas on
how to build Mongolian style clothing, including hats and boots.
There will be a fee of $5 to cover course materials which will
include copies of The Gobi Home Companion.

27) Courtesy Panel - Judith von Gruenwald 
     A round table discussion on courtesy in Atlantia. Judith
will populate her panel with some other Ladies of the Rose.

31) Rapier and Dagger - Vivian Broussard  
     This class opens the day of Rapier classes with the basic
techniques of rapier and main gauche.

32) Women in Rapier - Ceridwyn ferch Owain 
     Strength doesn't play that big a part in rapier.  Dexterity
and quick wits, that's another matter. Ceridwen will introduce
you to rapier from the female standpoint, examples in history,
gender-related technical issues, et cetera.

33) On Dying Well - Damon Broussard 
     I forget who it was that said "Dying is easy. Comedy is
hard." Good schtick versus bad schtick, when, how, and why to

34)  Theory of Modern Warfare - Geoffrey Gamble 
     Infantry company tactics, organization and equipment in

35) Practice of Modern Warfare - Geoffrey Gamble 
     Hands-on training with period weapons:  pike and shot.

36) Rapier and Cloak - Edan Aelwyn 
     Learn to fight in this flashy, romantic style.

37) Rapier Panel - Alan Gravesend & Giacomo Vincenti di' Firenze
     Discussions of topical issues on the state of Atlantian

41) On Being a Bard - Ciaran mac Breandian 
     A basic introduction to the bardic arts and their
relationship to the SCA. Covers the various types of performance
that make up the bardic arts, an historical context for bards,
troubadors, minstrels, etc. Sources of material, performance
techniques and etiquette.

42) Pre-1600 British Broadside Ballads - Gregory Blount 
     While post-period ballads are quite popular in the SCA,
pre-1600 ballads aren't very accessible, perhaps because the
music and the words generally aren't written down in the same
place. This class will be a bit of discussion, a bit of singing,
a bit of looking at the sources. (Gregory tells me he hopes to
have finished a booklet of a dozen or so such ballads by class

43) Rounds - Demetria 
     Do you know 'Three Blind Mice'?  If you do, then you know a
period round! This class will provide you with some other simple
rounds to delight and amaze your compatriots.  You don't have to
read music, just come with a willing voice.  The books used in
the class will be available to purchase, but on loan to anyone
(purchase not required).  Come sing with us!
44) Projection for Singers - James of Rutland 
     The basic vocal techniques you need to sing your way through
life without needing a microphone.

45) Chorale - Anne of Carthew 
     2 hours. Although University will not be blessed, this
session, with a performance from the Atlantian Choir, Anne is
still going to lead a practice.  She will teach some a cappella
4-part English Madrigals. Ability to read music is helpful but
not required.

47) Bardic Panel - Ciaran mac Breandian 
     The Bardic Arts in Atlantia: A free-form discussion on the
state of the performing arts in Atlantia, how we can improve and
encourage bardic performance, and other related issues.

51) Doumbeck - Mustafa al Wali 
     Now that you have a doumbeck, Mustafa can teach you how to
play it properly.

52) Pipe and Tabor - Robyyan Torr d'Elandris  
     Pipe and Tabor is the one man band of the Renaissance.  It
allows one  person to play both melody and percussion, primarily
for dance music.  This class will introduce the student to
one-stick drum technique and to playing the three-hole tabor
pipe.  A lab fee of $12-$15 will be charged, which will cover the
cost of a tabor pipe and a drumstick for the student to take
home.  Loaners will *not* be available.  If you  want to use your
own pipe, it must be in the key of C.  Ability to  read music is
helpful but not required.  Ability to play by ear is helpful but
not required. Class limit 6.  

53) Instrument Petting Zoo - Chriemhilt von Regensburg 
     So what are all those weird instruments, anyway? This class
is a hands-on show-and-tell session suitable for everyone. At the
least we'll have: krumhorns, shawms, viola da gambas, hammered
dulcimers, and much, much more. 

54) Hammered Dulcimer - Chriemhilt von Regensburg 
     A hands-on introduction to the hammered dulcimer, for
absolute beginners. The hammered dulcimer is a popular modern
folk instrument that was also popular in the Middle Ages. If
you've ever wondered what playing a hammered dulcimer is like,
this class will give you enough hands-on experience to see if
you're interested in pursuing it further. Class limit: 10.

55) Cities and Towns - Stefan of Cambion 
     Cities are essentially large machines which enable large
numbers of people to live in a small area. And they were
surprisingly different in period from what we have now.  Stefan's
going to tell you all about it.

56) Siege Warfare - Stefan of Cambion 
     Invading the homes of the first two little pigs was pretty
easy. But that last little pig, well, when he upgraded from brick
to mucking great stone castles, the Big Bad Wolf had his work cut
out for him. Stefan will talk about the technologies and special
problems involved in holding a medieval siege, in moving beyond
the stage of huffing and puffing.

57) The Waning of the Middle Ages - Thomas Smith of Ayr 
     What factors and events led to the end of the medieval era
and moved us into the renaissance? Thomas will examine this
complex and much argued issue.

61) Field Heraldry - Rhiannon Ui Niall 
     Learn to speak LOUDLY and carry a big stick. You can even
decorate it with ribbons and such.  An introduction to the
performing art of the field herald.

62) Design an SCA Name - Aodhan Doilfin 
     How to devise a name for use in the SCA that bears a
resemblance to medieval names and is registerable by the College
of Arms.

63) Flash Card Heraldry - Leifr Johannson 
     Heraldry is an important and useful form of communication.
Leifr is bringing out his flash cards to teach you how to
recognise your friends and enemies at great distances. The cards
shown will be selected for their direct usefulness to you as a
subject of Atlantia.

64) Design an SCA Device - Evan da Collaureo 
     How to design an armorial device (arms, or badge) for use in
the SCA that looks like it could have appeared in the middle

65) Heraldic Cadency - Herveus d'Ormonde 
     How did they show family relationships in armory in period?
How can you use this in the SCA? 

66) Heraldic Clothing - Jaelle of Armida and Seonaid ni Fhionn
     2 hours. Slide show and discussion of various and diverse
ways to use heraldry in your clothes and accessories. Lots of
pictures of period stuff and examples of real clothes seen in the

71) Dolls in Period - Assar merch Owen 
     A look at period dolls (mainly those of the 15-16th
centuries), geared towards a combined audience of adults and

72) Sign Language in the SCA - Gaffer Mac Cluiunn 
     2 hours. You've seen these guys doing deaf sign at court.
Come by and find out what it's all about. 

74) Marshall: Authorization - William the Stout 
     Kingdom armor standards, inspection techniques, and proper
authorization procedures. Theoretical input and hands-on-

75) Marshall: Tournaments - William the Stout 
     Marshalls' duties and conventions of combat as they relate
to armored combat tournaments.  This is an interactive class with
on-field situations. Class limit: 20.

76) Marshall: Melees - William the Stout 
     Identify marshall responsibilities in the organization and
execution of melee activities. Event planning, battle scenarios,
and reporting requirements.

77) Marshal: Philosophy - William the Stout 
     Philosophy and policies of the marshalate.

81) Cordials - Havelyard of Bourne  
     Learn the basics of making fine cordials and liqueurs.
Taste, color, clarity--all marks of a fine product for the
pleasure of your guests. The class will cover the various
techniques used for producing all manner of cordials.

82) Vinegars - Anorra nic Chaillin 
     Vinegars are an integral element in cooking, and an
occasional (often unanticipated) byproduct of brewing. This class
will cover some of the techniques used to produce a good vinegar
(including how to salvage a brewing project gone south) as well
as make good use of vinegars once you have them.

83) Meads and Wines - Brie Kieran 
     Cover the basics of brewing wines and meads. Discuss
techniques and materials. The class will include an open
discussion format to cover questions of interest to the 

84) Common Beer Faults - Terafan Greydragon 
     Understand how to identify (and correct) the most common
beer faults.  What do they look like, smell like, taste like, and
what causes them to occur, as well as their remedy (or

85) Brewing: Then and Now - Tadhg macAedain uiChonchobhair 
     In period, brewing was an art; today, it's a science.
Examine some of the things that have changed--and those that
86) Evaluating Beer - Terafan Greydragon 
     Control quality and consistency, describe beer, detect
problems, and improve your own or someone else's beer by using
six senses to evaluate beer.  Understand most of the aspects that
go into scoring and/or judging a competition.  

91) Costume Design 101 -  Wrynne of Wistan 
     Evolution of structure, shape, and form in clothing from
1000BC to 1650AD. We will cover tunicas through Elizabethan and
touch on later styles. Then we will discuss how these clothing
styles emerged from their predecessors. The focus will mainly be
on bodices, sleeve treatments, attachment areas and body fit.

92) Costume Design 102 - Wrynne of Wistan 
     Body shapes and clothing effect. We will begin by measuring
each other in pairs, determining sizes at key fit points and
taking a look at our body shapes. We will observe historical
ideas of beauty and anachronistic ways of acheiving modern beauty
while still looking true to period style. We will also consider
appropriate fabrics and adaptations, stress points, weight
distribution, pleating, and gathering effects in clothing.

93) Costume Design 103 - Wrynne of Wistan 
     Patterns. We will discuss seam allowances, grain lines,
facings, set-in sleeves, etc. We will then pick a few pictures of
garments and scrutinize them to to determine fit, seams, and
grainlines as well as appropriate fabrics. We will then translate
our body measurements into this garment. We will do as many
examples as time allows.

94) Coteheardies R Us - Aislynn Fyrlocc 
     2 hours. We get right down to specifics in this class.
Aislynn is going to show you, from start to finish, everything
there is about making a coteheardie in a period style.  She is
putting her fabric where her mouth is, too: The class will design
and build a coteheardie on a live model.

96) Garb: The Big Picture - Dierdre O'Siodhachain 
     2 hours. Practical considerations in making garb. This
discussion is geared towards the beginning costumer, though
advanced costumers are welcome to contribute their views. This is
_not_ a sewing lesson. The discussion will focus on matters such
as fabric selection, common errors in garb construction, choosing
accessories, interpreting period illustrations of clothing,
authenticity versus practicality, et cetera. Participants will be
encouraged to ask questions and contribute to the discussion.

101) Galliards - Gregory Blount 
     The galliard is an under-appreciated and somewhat athletic
solo dance form, which is actually quite easy to learn. This
class will cover the most basic galliard steps.

102) Hairdressing - Aislynn Fyrlocc 
     2 hours. What to do with that stuff between your head and
your hat. An introduction to ladiesū hairdressing for 13th-16th
centuries. We will cover Headpiece usage as well as some
"non-hat"  styles. Class limit: 10.

104) Basse Dance - Gianna d'Urbino 
     An introduction to basse dance. (Sometimes, you know, it's
hard for me to say anything that, in fact, the title doesn't
already tell you with such great clarity and precision that I
should just keep my yap shut.)

105) Indian Dance - Skanda of Mughda 
     (Skanda is new to the area and I hope I have his name
right.) He will demonstrate classical Indian dance and teach a
folk dance.

106) Tonight's Dances - Arcturus of Buxton 
     2 hours. Tonight, our gracious hosts, the Canton of
Kappellenberg, will further extend their hospitality to us with a
Dessert and Dance Revel. This afternoon, Arcturus will teach you
the dances that will be used tonight. And the revel is free! Are
these guys great, or what?

111) Metal Armouring - Theodor Von Lochner 
     Geared to the brand-new fighter. Presenting the basics of
dishing, riveting, and terminology.

112) Armor Shop - Theodor Von Lochner 
     Improvising a work shop. Includes designing, building, and
modifying tools plus the blacksmithing and welding fundamentals.

113) Metal Smithing -Theodor Von Lochner 
     Advanced techniques. Expanding upon pattern making,
decorating, and detailing.

114) A Look at Knives -Thorvald von Rothenburg 
     Taking knives beyond the "jeans and T-tunic" stage. The
knives and sheaths we should be carrying. History, research,
shopping, construction.

115) Easy Knifemaking - Thorvald von Rothenburg 
     How to make the knife your persona would reasonably be
carrying. It's easier, quicker, and cheaper than you think.

116) Steel Metallurgy - Thorvald von Rothenburg 
     From mild steel to stainless to pattern-welded Damascus.
What it is, where to get it, how to work and treat it.

117) Gauntlets - Heinrich Von Kriner 
     The construction of gauntlets for SCA heavy weapons. The
design will be a composite leather and steel construction.
121) Flemish Picture Illumination - Isobel Gildingwater 
     Flemish Picture Illumination is the kind where the text is
placed smack-dab in the middle of a picture of something (usually
peasants doing something or other). We will do some history, then
a lot of hands-on work.

122) Drawing Acanthus Leaves -Isobel Gildingwater 
     A hands-on class. This is another of those classes where the
title tells you what you want to know. These remaining sentences
are basically just an artifact of my neurotic need to make sure
all these classes have a description. 

123) The Tao of Chow - Melisande de Belvoir 
     The Philosophy of Food.  This is a basic "clue token" class
about feasts and such in the SCA. What are our goals? The senses
of taste and smell sneak up on us and build potent associations
in our minds. Food is a major tool in building the pattern that
constitutes a re-creation experience. 

(With that class fresh in our mind, we break for lunch, to
experience the Chapel Hill eateries.)

124) Food Safety - Melisande de Belvoir 
     Aren't you glad this class is after lunch? Cooks take our
health and potentially our lives in their hands when they prepare
a meal. Melisande will show you how to bear that risk
responsibly, and not poison your friends.

125) Gold Leaf - Patricia du St. Clemont 
     Gold leaf techniques for the Compleat Klutz. Yes, you can
work with gold leaf. Come learn how. Class limit: 10.

126) Toxic Art Materials -Patricia du St. Clemont 
     Sometimes, SCA artisans find themselves working with poison.
The reasons vary. Maybe its the only way to get a certain effect.
Maybe the period materials are toxic. But, and this is the BAD
reason, maybe you just don't know better. Patricia will show you
how to identify and work with toxins responsibly and sanely.

127) Painting: Materials - Daniel of Rutland 
     From viscous lead to tufts of hair on sticks, approaches to
painting. Not a class on making period materials, but rather how
and why to use them and their modern cousins.

131) Bobbin Lace - Francesca la Curiosa 
     3 hours. A hands-on introduction to bobbin lace. Francesca
will supply you with full materials to practice on and will teach
you how to do a basic pattern. By the end of class, you will know
how to do simple bobbin lace and will know if this something you
want to pursue. The pillows and bobbins may be available for sale
after class is over. There will also be handouts on how to make
your own. 

134) Spinning Silk & Flax - Dervila ni Leahnon 
     Most spinners learn to spin with wool; but why stop there?
SIlk and flax were also used heavily in the Middle Ages, and with
good reason. Silk is the Queen of Fibers, beautifully lustrous
and soft, a delight to eye and hand. Flax is the workhorse, cool
to wear and amazingly strong. Both can be spun finer than most

This class is meant for spinners who can already spin usable yarn
or thread on a drop spindle. (Ariane will teach you that in her
morning class.) It will cover spinning silk from roving (and silk
bells, if time permits) and flax from the strick on a distaff.
Students should bring their drop spindle, and the makings of a
simple distaff: a broomstick, a milk jug, and kitty litter. The
materials fee is $3, which buys you enough silk and flax to learn

135) Blackwork -Dierdre of Boolteens 
     Spanish Stitch -- Beginning Blackwork. We will teach the
basic double-running Holbein stitch. This will include tips and
techniques for keeping stitches straight and starting and
finishing your work. Handouts and the materials for a needlecase
will be included. No class fee. Class limit: 10.

136) Needlelace - Dierdre of Boolteens 
     The basic buttonhole stitch with single return that is the
basis for building your needlelace projects. You will learn to do
a simple scallop edging of needlelace. Handouts and materials for
a half yard of scallop edging are included. No class fee. Class
limit: 10.

137) Spinning Tales - Dervila ni Leahnon 
     The entire process of telling your first story: picking out
a story you like, working it into tellable form, rehearsing,
preforming, and getting feedback. We will cover some points for
advanced tellers; but we are mainly thinking of beginners. The
teacher will want a 50 cent copying fee from you.

T1) Lost Wax Casting, Hands On - Chirhart Blackstar  
     All morning. 3 hours. A period form of metal casting using
centrifical force techniques. Last session, this was a very well
received class. But the feedback made one thing clear: the
students wanted the class to be hands-on. Okay, here it is. At
the end of three hours, you will be armed with the awesome power
to re-create pretty much any little metal dingus you have a good
picture of. Class limit: 20.

T2) Spinning and Knitting Wool - Ariane la Fileuse 
     All morning long, Ariane will be available to teach you to
work with wool. But, in the afternoon, we are letting her off the
hook. She may have some low cost wool ($1 per oz.) to spin.  She
will also have spindles for $5. Class limit: 12. 

T3) Basic Leather -Ian Andru dScrogges and Avar Olafsson 
     All day long, these guys will be available to teach you the
basics of working with leather. You are invited to come and take
on a simple project such as a pouch or scabbard. The teachers
will advise you and help you with design, then help you through
your project. You can bring your own leather or reimburse the
cost of pieces provided.

T4) Leather Shoes - Gawain Kilgore 
     An all day hands-on class in the construction of leather
shoes. You need to invest the entire day; but you will walk away
with a new skill and a partly completed pair of shoes. We will
also cover some history. Materials fee: $30. Class limit: 12.

T5) Luggage - Damon Argent 
     We will demonstrate the construction of large scale leather
luggage from period models. This is a hands-on, lemme see, show
and tell class. The class is available all day; but you can
either come inspect the work to satisfy your curiousity or spend
the day learning the associated skills.

T6) Wisby Armor - Corwyn Sinister 
     All day long. Corwyn gave a one hour show and tell on this
armor last December. Ever since, I've wanted to see his armor
made in an all day town class. This is the perfect "starving
college student" armor. It's based on the armor found at the
battle of Wisby; except that Corwyn has substituted plastic for
the metal plates. It's pretty and looks authentic when worn. It
can be made easily with minimal tools. It's excellent protection
and comfortable. And, it's dirt cheap. 

     You will have to invest the whole day at this; but you will
come away with a Wisby-style hauberk half done plus the skills to
finish the other half. Unusually diligent students might even
have the thing finished by end of day. You need to bring 2 yards
of heavy upholstery fabric or canvas, of the color you want your
armor to be. Materials fee is $15. Class limit: 6.

T7) Cheese - Chirhart Blackstar and Havelyard of Bourne
     Afternoon. Step-by-step exercise in cheesemaking. The class
will produce a soft cheese on site. Class starts after lunch. You
will have free time to wander off and take other classes; but may
want to reconvene at various times, to be announced by the
instructors. The actual cheese will be finished that evening, at
the Dance Revel. Class limit: 20. 


To pre-register by e-mail, send the following information to
kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu. Make sure you send the full information. 



Is this your first University? (Y/N)
Is this a new address? (Y/N)


CHANCELLOR: Henry Best (John Strauss) 8513 Bauer Dr #32,
Springfield VA 22152. Phone (703)569-9743. E-mail:

AUTOCRAT: Giovan Donato Falconieri (Thomas Hudson) 430 South
Greensboro #6, Carrboro NC 27510. Phone (919)967-6526. E-mail:

CRASH SPACE: Fern de la Foret (Laurie Erickson) Phone (919)929-

REGISTRAR: Elizabeth Beaufort (Nadine Colbert) 2801 Ashmont
Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20906. Phone (301)598-7424. E-mail:


"And gladly wolde he learn, and gladly teach."
                                  -Geoffrey Chaucer