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Announcing: UAL-VB!
Unto the gentles of Atlantia gathered at the Merry Rose does Duncan
MacKinnon send greetings!
With the blessing of our esteemed Chancellor and with the able assistance of
various webmasters throughout our fair kingdom, I am pleased to announce the
creation of the University of Atlantia Library - Virtual Branch.
The purpose of this project is to gather course materials from past and
future sessions of the University and make them accesible to gentles through
the Known World by way of the World Wide Web. I am coordinating the creation
and administration of these web pages. I do not yet have a home for these
pages, but look for an announcement of the address for these and other
kingdom-related web pages on Atlantia-L and in The Acorn soon.
Obviously, I cannot create these pages without the support of past, present,
and future teachers of classes at University of Atlantia. I seek the
contribution of your course handouts, bibliographies, and related materials.
With each contribution, I would appreciate the inclusion of the following:
* The title of the class
* When/where the class was taught
* Your name (SCA + modern)
* A contact address and phone number (these are for my files and will not be
posted to the web)
I will accept submissions in the following formats, listed in order of
1. HTML-formatted text (hey, I can dream, can't I?)
2. ASCII text (aka plain text)
3. Word/Wordperfect formatted text
4. Hard copy (aka printed pages)
5. Handwritten copy
I have access to a scanner, so any figures or drawings will be scanned to
accompany the article.
You can send your submissions in one of two ways:
E-mail (plain text, uuencoded or MIME encoded files):
Snailmail (hard copy or 3.5" IBM-compatible disks):
Tom Brady
11817 Doc Arnold Drive
Raleigh, NC 27614
If you have any questions about this project, including questions relating
to technology, copyright, or whatever, drop me a line either at the above
addresses or call me at (919) 518-1448 BEFORE 8 PM.
I would also appreciate it if folks could also help disseminate this request
for materials to anyone in your group who is not net-connected who you think
might be interested.
Many thanks,
Duncan MacKinnon of Tobermory
Canton of Elvegast
Barony of Windmasters Hill
Tom Brady 11817 Doc Arnold Dr., Raleigh, NC 27614 SCA: Duncan MacKinnon
"The public seems incapable of distinguishing between your garden variety
idiot and your genuine lunatic. It is the same confusion the public has had
over the last five presidents." - Mark Leeper
See my web pages for links to gay resources, the SCA, and Celtic music
- Follow-Ups:
- CamBOK!
- From: "Susan E. Juroff" <ted5sej@hibbs.vcu.edu>