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- To: atlantia-l@netcom.com
- From: acarey@mnsinc.com (Anne Carey)
- Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 09:10:44 -0500
- Cc: denise@intercon.com, herveus@access.digex.net, sharon@intercon.com, kgreen2@osf1.gmu.edu, kuijt@umiacs.UMD.EDU, SheehanTA@aol.com, IsaboGower@aol.com, dmontuor@telenet.com, Rcardiff@aol.com, lharrop@mrj.com, chuck_graves@mail.hq.faa.gov, tirloch@interramp.com, kspears@fdic.gov, corun@access.digex.net, jldrake@tasc.com, dguptill@aftemail.attmail.com, rallen1@nas.edu, wilsey@infodata.com, carey@reston.unisysgsg.com
- Sender: owner-atlantia-l@netcom.com
Greetings from the kIngdom Chronicler,
My apologies to those of you who get this twice. My experiences with
Atlantia-l have not been timely lately and I need to get this message to as
many people as I can as quickly as possible.
HELP!!!!!!! At the Acorn Fold & Scold last night I had (count them) FOUR
people show up... Consequently, the Acorn is not ready to go to the post
office as I had hoped. Lady Miriam and I will be working on the Acorn this
afternoon and evening. I will be up until the damn thing is finished.
Please!!! if you can come help, do! If you can't come help, spread the
word. I haven't done a bit of Christmas shopping yet, My house is a wreck,
and I still don't have the Christmas spirit!! Help me get the Acorn out of
my hair so I can be a human being for a while....
Thankyou Thankyou
Anne Elizabeth
Directions to Caer Carey
>From points east:
Take Rt 50 west.
At the intersection of Rt 50 and Rt 15 (Gilberts Corner), turn left onto 15
Go 1 mile.
Turn right onto Rt 615 (Old Carolina Rd).
Immediately take a right onto Bucksville Lane (a gravel road).
Take the 3rd driveway on the left. When the driveway forks, bear right
(ie, don't go to the barn). The house is in the trees.
>From points South
>From the intersection of I-66 and Rt 15, go 10 miles north on Rt 15.
Turn left onto Rt 615 (Old Carolina Rd). (Note: This will be the *second*
time you will see Rt 615. Do not take the first instance. At the turn you
want, there is a quickie mart just before the corner.)
Immediately take a right onto Bucksville Lane (a gravel road).
Take the 3rd driveway on the left. When the driveway forks, bear right
(ie, don't go to the barn). The house is in the trees.