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HELP! Lost Wallet

Unto the denizens and lurkers of the Merry Rose does Lady Ysabeau Madeleine 
de Gascogne send warm, holiday greetings - and a plea for assistance!  I 
have been asked to post the following message by Lady Bleiddianyn y 

HELP!     HELP!     HELP!     HELP!     HELP!

Lost Wallet at Unevent:  Large, light brown wallet/passport case with ID for 
Leslie Ralston.  Please send information to LRsqrd@aol.com ASAP.  No 
questions asked.

If any gentles have information (You think you might have seen it lying 
around a classroom?  Dropped in a hallway?  Someone asked you if you 
recognized this item that they found?) please don't hesitate to speak up.

Yours in service,
Ysabeau M.