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archery. IKAC finalscores. LONG

        The competition is over for this year and as of Dec. 16.  in the
PERIOD Division  of the InterKingdom Archery Competitions the final
scores are:   A tie for first(#).   1) MIDDLE- 264.3.  Master Grant 
Graeme de Menteith(15%)- 299, Arinwald Rotstein(5%)- 252, Neko Me (5%)- 
242.   1)  EAST- 301.  Colin  Ursell(20% x-bow)-331, Li Kung Lo(20% 
x-bow)- 310, Ygraine of Kellswood(10%)- 262.  2) WEST-211.6. Andrus 
Truemark(5%)- 275, Martin Whistler(10%)- 209, Kendrick of 
Drakestone-(5%)- 151.  3) ANSTEORRA- 200.  Don Sebastian Frobshire-(5%)- 
208, Roger Bagley(20%)- 199, Dillon of Dillon(15%)- 193.  4)  CAID- 193. 
Thomas Blackkeep(10%)- 234, Paganus Grimlove(*)- 191, Robert of 
Watford(*)-  154.  5)  ATLANTIA - 168.3.  Ld. Robert the Forgotten(15%)- 
255, Bruno Jager(5%)-  126, Viscount Karl Helweg(15%)- 124.  6) OUTLANDS- 
163.(correction)  Ld
Peregrine elric of Courtenay(10%)- 218,  Ld. Thorfinn Greybeard(20%)-
168, Ld. Conchobhar OLoingseachain(?)(10%)-103.   7)TRIMARIS- 159.6.
Michael of Tweedale-(15%)- 179, Michael of Alwington(5%)- 158, Rhysling
of Flackowen?(15%)- 115.  8) CALONTIR- 144.3.  Fearghus OShannon(10%)-
161, Hugh Prescott(15%)- 147, Lochlann Makkynnon(20%)- 125.  (*) = Bonus 
	TIE(#):  The tie is due to a question of the interpertation of 
the Period division rules regarding: if period style crossbows were 
allowed to complete in the Period divison.  Since the Period division 
rules, as I wrote them, did not state that period crossbows could NOT 
compete in the Period division.  And the rules for defining period style 
crossbows were included in the Period rules rather than under the 
crossbow division rules.  The Period crossbow scores from the East that 
were entered in the Period division, instead of the crossbow division, 
will be counted.  However, I have declared first place to be tie between 
the Middle and the East.   Next year the rules will be changed to clearly 
state that peiod crossbows may only shoot in the crossbow division.  I 
would like to receive opinions on dividing the crossbow division into 
modern and period sections and how to better define period style 
        In the Open  division of the Interkingdom Archery Competition as
of Dec. 16 are:  1) WEST-296.6.  Ld. Andrus Truemark- 330, Michael of
Worchester- 293, Bard Francis Goodfellow- 267.  2) MIDDLE- 267.6.
Arinwald Rotstein- 276, Master Grant Graeme de Mentieith-274, James
Cunningham- 253.  3) East- 260.3.  Ygraine of Kellswood- 309, Li Kung Lo- 
286, Sibyl Cairnfalcon- 186.  4) ATLANTIA- 253.3.  Reynard of Lockmere- 
295, Roark of Hydra Hall- 253, Ld. Aelfgar Greyseas- 212.   5) ANTIR- 
250.3.  Master Julian Edwrd Farnsworth- 275, Jamie of Blackrose- 244, 
Robert of Wolf Fork- 232 . 6) CALONTIR- 245.3.  Kitsu no Taro- 253,
Dietrich Eisenhart- 250, Lorell- 233.    7) CAID- 229.3.  Rock of
Wintermist- 239, Paganus Grimlove- 234,  Thomas Blackkeep- 215.  8)
OUTLANDS- 210.  Ld. Yanthlos the Quiet- 233, Sir Mark von Falkensfenn-
217, Ld. Pergrine Elric of Courtenay- 180.  9) ANSTEORRA- 194.6.  Don
Sebastian Frobishire-212, Roger Bagley-209, Txhian of Perasus- 163.  (10) 
MERIDIES- 188.  Sir Merwyyd- 211, Eckhart von Eschenbach- 183, Mellord 
Rellick- 170.  11)  TRIMARIS- 182.3.   Syr Bryetor- 210, Michael of 
Alwington- 191, Bactaan- 147.    12)   DRACHENWALD- 110.  Bernwarth von 
der Huep- 131, Dan Tolzloff- 111, Sionn Dair Peregrine- 88.
        In the CROSSBOW Division the standings are:  1) EAST- 323.6.
Dwane Shinnok(15%)- 368, Ld Ailean Mac an Daroch(20%)- 361, William 
Cavendish(10%)- 242.  2) ATLANTIA- 251.3. Ld Robert the Forgotten(15%)- 
292, Viscount Karl Helweg(10%)-237, Bruno Jager(15%)- 225.  3) 
MIDDLE-242. Jean Paul Pierrepont- 272, Cionad Red Spurs- 241, Darkhart- 213.
4)WEST- 204.6.  Bard Francis Goodfellow- 301, Martin Whistler- 159, Sean 
McKay- 154.   5) CAID-198.  Paganus Grimlove-236, Rock of Wintermist- 
199, Tuvor Sabledrake- 159.   6) ANSTEORRA- 179.6. Roger Bagley- 209, 
Stefan Von Drachenfels (15%)- 166, James Ap Beryl- 164.     7) OUTLANDS- 
178.3.  Ld. Yanthlos the Quiet(15%)- 214, Master Daffyd of Emmet(15%)- 
189, Ld. Mavrikii Andnonikov- 132.  8) CALONTIR- 143.  Hugh Prescott- 
(20%)- 185, Bjornulf Cannan(15%)- 118,  Alysandria of the Fosseway (10%)- 
108.  9) TRIMARIS-90.  Michael of Alwington(10%)- 171, La Monde 
Cougthanovr- 50, Ld. Geoffrey Cordwainer- 45.
        In the Interkingdom Combat Archery Competition The standings
are:  1) CAID-272.6.  Paganus Grimlove- 347, Thomas Blackkeep- 258,
Robert Lanternsmith- 213.  2)MIDDLE- 270.3.  Mst. Grant Graeme de
Menteith- 297, Ld. Arinwald Rotstein- 268, Neko Me- 246.  3) ANSTEORRA-
233.6.   Gilbert ost Westley- 236, Stefan von Drachenfels- 242, Roger
Bagley- 223.   4) MERIDIES- 224.3.  Ld. Robert do Pergraine-246, Lady
Yasmin Al Eshed- 222, Stefan von Westernhagen- 205.  5)  WEST-219.6.
Martin Whistler- 239, Andrus Truemark-238, Joseph de la Tour- 182.  6)
ATLANTIA-175.6.  Ld. Robert the Forgotten- 203, Bruno Jager- 171,
Viscount Karl Helweg- 153 .  7)  TRIMARIS- 74.3.  ?????? Colbert- 78,
????taan Joe Bochaleh- 73, Michael of Alwington- 72.  All scores were
shot with woodshaft blunts, no scores were turned in from golftubes.
        I would like to thank all the archers that shot in the
competitions and my special thanks to those that took the effort and time 
to set up and run the competitions and send in the scores.
        The overall  standings for this year are: 1) MIDDLE - 32,   2)
WEST- 28.  3) EAST-27  4) tie: ATLANTIA/CAID- 23 ,  5) ANSTEORRA- 19,  6) 
OUTLANDS- 11,  7) CALONTIR- 10,  8) ANTIR- 8,   9) MERIDIES- 7,  10)
TRIMARIS- 6,  11)  DRACHENWALD- 1,  12) ATENVELT- 0.  There was only one 
score sent in from Atenvelt.
        For copies of the IKAC  or IKCAC rules contact your kingdom
archery officer or for the IKAC rules send a SASE (business size) with 32 
cents postage.  For both the IKCAC or IKCAC and IKAC rules send a 55 cent 
S.A.S.E. to the Keeper of the IKAC, Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf, c/o John R.
Edgerton, 7662 Wells Ave, Newark CA 945460-3530.  (510) 791-9070.  Email: 