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April Acorn Submission Info

Unto the good gentles of Atlantia does Lord Rabah az-Zafar send 

    Our Kingdom Chronicler, Lady Ann Elizabeth, has asked me to publish 
the April Acorn due to her impending move to Marinus. If you have 
submissions for me, or need to contact me in any way, the following 
information is provided for your use:

Lord Rabah az-Zafar
MKA Ross E. Wilkins
3609 Forest Glen Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23452-3014
(804) 631-2718 (H)
(804) 857-4099 (W) (M-F, 8am - 5pm)
(804) 631-6910 (Fax) (If fax is not turned on, call my home #)
email: rabah@ix.netcom.com

    Please do not call me weekdays before I leave for work, or before 
10am on weekends. I do not function well in the morning and am liable 
to forget your call! Also, please do not call after 11pm. 

In service to our Kingdom,
