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Re: your mail

On Mon, 25 Mar 1996, John J. Hale wrote:

> Touche/ (which way does the accent go?).  
  Lower left to upper right.

> However, as was pointed out Alianora (mka. Lisa Steele lsteele@mhc.mtholyoke.edu):
  Nope, I'm Esclarmonde.
> First, election.  While election is in period (in the HRO), it was election by the high nobles/princes of Germany/the HRO.  As all members of the SCA are considered to be minor nobility, who is to say who would be electors.  The princes cannot be electors as the is only one prince/princess at a time (unless you include those of other kingdoms, and that could lead to elitism and royals being chosen from those of a certain class).  Royal peers (i.e. dukes, counts) would in tend to chose from among themselves in effect turning the rest of us into serfs.  

  It depends on what the election is meant to represent. Other folks like 
bishops and leaders of many northern Italian city-states were elected. 
Bishops by their chapters, Doges and other such by councils of local 
noteables. This could be set up in a way that mimics a historical form.
> This leads me to the system of primogeniture (strict heredity).  This would leave a very select few being king/queen.  As the system is any member has a chance, however slim, to raise his/her Lady/Lord to the title of Princess->Queen/Prince->King.  
  I strongly suspect that a lifetime office with succession by adoptive 
or natural heir is historical, it would be one heck of a strain on the 
candidate. Heck, Patri only managed 20 years as Baron of Carolingia and 
Kobi nearly 11 as Senechal of same. I doubt anyone would be willing to be 
king for life.

  A third option would be to say that the ruler is the equivalent to the 
head of Knightly Order (anyone know offhand how the Templars, 
Hosptiallers, etc. chose their leaders?) or to find the documetnation on 
tournament societies. The problem may be keeping "king/queen" as the title.
