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Re: Interkingdom Advisory Council

Greetings Richard,

you wrote:
> I am still the Atlantian representive to the Interkingdom Advisory Council.
> When I took on the Interim Society Marshal position, I asked Master Thomas
> to find a replacement.  I understand the interest has been UNDERwhelming.
> In any case I continue to represent Atlantia in this group.

I recall the request being made to fill the position, but I don't recall that
any details of what the position entailed were made. Could you please inform
us of what a representative to the IAC does and what is expected of them?

Also, does this note from you mean you're still looking for a replacement?

My thanks.

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   | 
 Dark Horde by birth | 		   Gort, Klaatu mirabile dictu
   Moritu by choice  | 			   from The Day The Earth Spoke Latin
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