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Re: Interkingdom Advisory Council

Greetings from Richard Fitzgilbert!

At 09:03 AM 4/5/96 -0500, Corun MacAnndra wrote:
>I recall the request being made to fill the position, but I don't recall that
>any details of what the position entailed were made. Could you please inform
>us of what a representative to the IAC does and what is expected of them?

Part of what the IAC has done recently is work on what the IAC is supposed
to do!  The way it is working out, the Board gives us an area, like
banishments, that needs more thought.  We discuss it for a while, a long
while in the case of banishments, and try come to a consensus on a proposal
to the board.  The banishment revisions that have been discussed are the
ones we submitted to the Board for consideration.

>Also, does this note from you mean you're still looking for a replacement?

Since I'm in the process of stepping down as Interim Society Marshal, the
need to find a replacement has passed us by.  So, I don't think I'll be
looking for a replacement.


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