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Re: Seige Winners

     Sorry for not saying - Siege of Troy was won by HRM Cuan's team, the 
     Hell Hounds, with Tremayne (Anton, Byram, Keegan & Damon Broussard) & 
     Co. (myself) slugging it out with the Shadow Wolves in a rather 
     closely contested second place.  This year's scoring involved both 
     offensive abilities & defensive abilities, with scoring being 
     something like this:
     out of (x as example) 8 teams, best time in each of 3 scenarios got 
     (x) points, with next best time getting 7 points (x-1) all the way 
     down to 1.
     Same for defensive, w/best defense getting top points down to 1.  As I 
     understand it, Cuan's team won by 7 points, which is basically not a 
     lot.  Don't know any scores or spreads...

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