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Field Of Gold Tourney
April 27-28
On the weekend of April 27th, the Incipient Canton of Cwmnewydd invites
one and all to Shrewwood Orchard to join in the fun on the Field of Gold.
Throughout this historical event, heavy fighters will be called upon to fight in
teams as ambassadors of peace. Rapier fighters will do their part for peace in an
all weapons tourney. In addition to these tourneys there will be archery, a knife,
ax and spear throw and a games tourney. Come, all ye artistic folk and help us
use our device in the most creative manner possible.
The site is a new addition to Mistress Rosatrude the Shrew's estates, i.e.
private property, Currently the site is extremely primitive, so bring drinking
water and solar showers, if you need them. Sandles are not advised as there is
poison ivy. Bring implements of destruction if you want to clear a camp site in
the woods. There is also plenty of camping space in the open. Site opens Friday,
April 26 at 3 pm and closes on Sunday at 3 pm.
NEW!!! Attention Black Diamond, there will a tourney to determine
the two archers from Black Diamond who will compete for the Lochmere Arrow
at On Target in Maryland May 18th. The heavy fighting tourney will be a
three man tourney double elimination tourney. The rapier tourney will be
an all weapons tourney.
Site fee - $5 before April 20
$7 after April 20
Feast fee - $4
Feast is limited to 100 spaces and there is no non-member fee to add!!!
Send reservations to:
Briana of Skie
Susan Holt or call:
1300 University City Blvd. Apt. 2201 (703) 951-3697
Blacksburg, VA 24060
e-mail: briana@vt.edu
Please include name, SCA name, membership # or non-member, and phone
number. Please make checks payable to Barony of Black Diamond/SCA Inc., as
they are graciously sponsoring this event.
Shrewwood Orchard is located in Floyd, Virginia, between Willis and
Dugspur off 221. Turn south on 761 at the Mira's Fork Missionary Baptist
Church sign. Turn right at the church on 624. Site is the first drive on the right.
Look for SCA signs.
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