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Re: Selecting Crowns -- Definitions
At 01:45 PM 4/17/96 -0400, Lance Harrop wrote:
>Before you go further with this idea, I suggest you attend the next
>Storming of the Gates of Ironwolf by the Children at Pennsic. Using
>water guns, foam rocks and animals, and various assundry items, the
>Children at Pennsic managed to seize upon the leaders of Clan Ironwolf
>and the Cult of Balloon and force the payment of the Kidgeld (in candy,
>of course). The children (including my daughter) and other participants
>were an utter mess, and few of the spectators got way unmuddied.
>In Service
>Leifr Johansson
Lady Tovah Told me about this last week in fact. I would love to so this
with Clan Ironwolf. They are one of the Best Housholds in The SCA as far as
I am concerned.
Thanks for the suggestion and reminding me :)
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