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Re: Great Officers

On Apr 17,  2:37pm, David H Ritterskamp wrote:
> Subject: Great Officers
>      I personally had not heard any problems other than trying to find a
>      new Kingdom Chronicler, and any shortage of people to fill that spot
>      is understandable.

The Kingdom Chronicler's position is fun and not fun, and you can never satisfy
everyone all the time. If done right, this position takes a HUGE amount of
time, since in this Kingdom, we have the luxury of the Kingdom Chronicler
personally being able to print the newsletter. I can attest, as a former
Kingdom Chronicler, that printing 1500 copies after doing the layout, then
getting it put together and out by the 20th of each month is a daunting task
for any who still have sanity. Many people do not have the amount of time
necessary for this particular position.


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( ___ )===============================oOO==(_)==OOo=============== ( ___ )
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 | / | Angela Pincha-Neel                 Lady Mordeyrn Tremayne    | \ |
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