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Great Officers
Maybe it's the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality, and
whether it's broke or not depends on the perception of the
individual/group in question.
I personally had not heard any problems other than trying to find a
new Kingdom Chronicler, and any shortage of people to fill that spot
is understandable.
J. Blackbow
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Subject: Great Officers
Author: dmontuor@telenet.com (Dave Montuori) at INTERNET
Date: 4/17/96 12:24 PM
Evan steps into the Merry Rose and asks for a bock, then speaks.
After talking with some gentles I thought I would be less circumspect
in asking this question than before.
There is a perception -- how widespread I do not know, nor have I any
idea how accurate that perception is -- that Atlantia has trouble
finding a variety of people to fill the Great Offices OF State (GOoFS).
What are other folks' experiences in this regard, and if you think there
is a problem, what might be possible causes of it?
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