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Re: Selecting Crowns -- Definitions
Okay, your Highness, I was wrong - there is at least ONE herald
willing to do this.
But we all know that Achbar's not quite right in the head anyway...
ROFL, Blackbow
(ROFL=Rolling On the Floor Laughing, for those net-endowed but
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Subject: Re: Selecting Crowns -- Definitions
Author: James Morrow <achbar@vnet.net> at INTERNET
Date: 4/16/96 1:15 PM
At 10:41 AM 4/16/96 -0400, CORVUS2@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 96-04-16 10:10:27 EDT, Blackbow writes:
>>I can just see the weapons forms listing now - sword and cow patty,
>>water pistol and cow patty...boy, talk about mudslinging!
>I AM NOT heralding anything where people are throwing cow patties!!! At
>least not from within 50 feet!
>Lady Rhiannon,
This sounds like Fun. I would Gladly Herald this sort of thing. After
watching A G.G. Allen video, this would make an excellent break from the SCA
norm of Tourney.
On second thought, Mud and Water Pistol would be better. Have you seen
those water swords yet? They are Great!
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To: CORVUS2@aol.com
From: James Morrow <achbar@vnet.net>
Subject: Re: Selecting Crowns -- Definitions
Cc: dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com, atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
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