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Re: Selecting Crowns -- Definitions
Baron Achbar writes:
> This sounds like Fun. I would Gladly Herald this sort of thing. After
> watching A G.G. Allen video, this would make an excellent break from the SCA
> norm of Tourney.
> On second thought, Mud and Water Pistol would be better. Have you seen
> those water swords yet? They are Great!
Before you go further with this idea, I suggest you attend the next
Storming of the Gates of Ironwolf by the Children at Pennsic. Using
water guns, foam rocks and animals, and various assundry items, the
Children at Pennsic managed to seize upon the leaders of Clan Ironwolf
and the Cult of Balloon and force the payment of the Kidgeld (in candy,
of course). The children (including my daughter) and other participants
were an utter mess, and few of the spectators got way unmuddied.
In Service
Leifr Johansson
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