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Re: Selecting Crowns
At 09:02 AM 4/16/96 EDT, Dave Montuori wrote:
>Greetings Merry Rosers - Achbar said:
>>I feel that More is not Better. We have enough trouble finding
>>Officers for Baronial and Kingdom Level. Let us not add Principality
>>to this list as well.
>Most if not all of the Kingdom Great Officers have Regional Deputies
>already. Principality Officers would simply take the place of the Regional
>Deputy for that area. Lack of officers is not a real problem at the
>putative Principality level...
I stand Corrected. This would seem to make sense now that I look at it.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Achbar ibn Ali
>..unless we have trouble filling the kingdom level top and deputy offices.
>In which case we should be asking ourselves, "Why does the KINGDOM have
>trouble filling its offices?"
>Evan da Collaureo, returning to his virtual mug of bock.
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