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Re: Sumptuary Laws/Customs
Greetings to Bianca Isotta Viscari of An Tir, moving to Atlantia in August!
Fair Bianca writes:
>At one of our baronial brunches, the question came up as to whether
>someone without an AoA could wear an engraved/scrolled circlet. According
>to kingdom law, the only restrictions were on "pointy" hats ( crenelated,
>etc.). It was custom that dictated the wearing of adorned vs. unadorned
>circlets. Is this the same in Atlantia?
No, it is different. In Atlantia there are no sumptuary laws or customs
except those described in corpora and related documents. In particular,
many of the people on this forum may not understand the question you ask,
as the idea of restricting circlets (whether adorned or not) is strange
Coronets (Baronial, County, Ducal, etc.) are restricted here as everywhere,
but circlets are objects that hold down your veil, rather than badges of rank.
Dafydd ap Gwystl (who doesn't own a County coronet)
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