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Re: Great Officers
Lord Evan (my herald) asks:
> There is a perception -- how widespread I do not know, nor have I any
> idea how accurate that perception is -- that Atlantia has trouble
> finding a variety of people to fill the Great Offices OF State (GOoFS).
> What are other folks' experiences in this regard, and if you think there
> is a problem, what might be possible causes of it?
All I can say from personal experience is that I've been told, more then
once, that if it had not been for my and Lady Ursula's support as deputy
Chancellors of the Exchequer, that Baron Donovan Delann would not have
been willing to rewarrant as Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer.
GOofS need to be supported by both their local officers, regional
deputies, fellow GOofS and deputy officers, and by the Crown. The worst
cases of sucession always seem to happen in offices where there has been
visible critism of the current or previous office holder.
In Service
Leifr Johansson
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