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Re: Royal Class
Henry Best, are you listening?
More importantly, University of Atlantia Teachers, are _you_ listening?
On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Terry L. Neill wrote:
> Melisande de Belvoir wrote:
> > Actually, I believe that the major duty of the Crown is simple. It is
> > to make sure that other people have a good time doing whatever it was
> > that they came to the SCA to do. >snip<
> > What it does NOT mean, as far as I am concerned, is making the
> > populace miserable >snip<
> Brava!!
> Although, you know, I wonder how many people in Atlantia know what goes into
> being King and Queen.
> Before I left the West Kingdom I wondered aloud to a few Collegium Occidentalis
> folks about a class for the general populace on "What it's like to be Royal".
> Lo and behold, I see from the West mailing list that such a class was
> offered at the last Collegium. Obviously I wasn't the only interested person.
> So I'll wonder 'aloud' on the Atlantia List.
> I'd love to see such a class. A class geared, not necessarily toward folks
> thinking of a serious bid to be King and Queen, but aimed at the rest of us.
> To tell us what we put those folks through on the Thrones for 11 months.
> To tell us the joys and pains of being Royal. To help us appreciate more
> what it takes to sit on those thrones and those who sit them. Perhaps to
> inspire some folks to enter Crown. To let us experience, even if
> vicariously, a little of the magic of being King or Queen.
> - Anarra
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Alys of Foxdale
Sallie Montuori
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- References:
- Royal Class
- From: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>