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Royal Class
Melisande de Belvoir wrote:
> Actually, I believe that the major duty of the Crown is simple. It is
> to make sure that other people have a good time doing whatever it was
> that they came to the SCA to do. >snip<
> What it does NOT mean, as far as I am concerned, is making the
> populace miserable >snip<
Although, you know, I wonder how many people in Atlantia know what goes into
being King and Queen.
Before I left the West Kingdom I wondered aloud to a few Collegium Occidentalis
folks about a class for the general populace on "What it's like to be Royal".
Lo and behold, I see from the West mailing list that such a class was
offered at the last Collegium. Obviously I wasn't the only interested person.
So I'll wonder 'aloud' on the Atlantia List.
I'd love to see such a class. A class geared, not necessarily toward folks
thinking of a serious bid to be King and Queen, but aimed at the rest of us.
To tell us what we put those folks through on the Thrones for 11 months.
To tell us the joys and pains of being Royal. To help us appreciate more
what it takes to sit on those thrones and those who sit them. Perhaps to
inspire some folks to enter Crown. To let us experience, even if
vicariously, a little of the magic of being King or Queen.
- Anarra
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