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Re: Duty(ies) of the Crown
Actually, I believe that the major duty of the Crown is simple. It is
to make sure that other people have a good time doing whatever it was
that they came to the SCA to do. If that means sitting around looking
regal, fine. But mostly it means encouraging and recognizing the
people who are doing things to contribute to the community that we
build when we come together.
What it does NOT mean, as far as I am concerned, is making the
populace miserable -- whether by keeping them waiting an unreasonable
length of time beyond when things are supposed to start, or by
insisting on changing the autocrat's plans for an event (or any part
of it), or by making unreasonable demands on people's time, attention,
or purses.
Melisande de Belvoir
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Duty(ies) of the Crown
Author: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com> at INTERNET
Date: 4/17/96 3:59 PM
Leifr said:
..BECAUSE, the most important duty of the Crown is the recognition of
Merit in the populace of the Kingdom. Not court ability, not leading
wars, not the ability to conduct diplomacy, not meeting management,
not heading curia. The most important Royal duty is giving people
their cookies.
Which raises a very good question and comment all at once (thanks,
Comment: I don't know what the MOST important duty of the Royals is.
For that matter, I don't know if there's an actual list, or just a set
of traditions.
Question: What IS the most important duty of the Royals?
("What is best in life?" said the barbarian leader.)("Conan the
Barbarian", for the film-quote challenged.)
Seriously, folx, what IS the most important duty of the Royals? Any
thoughts, your Highness?
J. Blackbow
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