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Re[2]: Duty(ies) of the Crown

Deoca said:

>I certainly am not going to automatically defer to these 
>people (on any intellectual basis) just because they're on the throne.

I have always had severe reservations about our system, simply because there 
are people who start to believe that monarchy is a good system of government.
Some of them are the people wearing the crowns.  Far more of them are people 
who are NOT wearing the crowns.

>I also think that the folks that have held the throne need to be more 
>careful about the effect of their reign on the size of their heads. 

I have a term for this:  Post Monarchic Syndrome.  Certainly people should be 
more careful; but when you are treated differently for a solid year by most 
of your important friends and acquaintances, not to mention total strangers, 
it's hard not to conclude that you *are* different.  This is not a matter of 
conscious intellectual activity, but of cumulative unconscious impressions 
from the social environment.

The good news is, that if you keep your perspective and sanity, PMS fades 
away -- eventually.

former sufferer
(mild case -- thank Heaven)

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