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RE: Duty(ies) of the Crown

On Thursday, 18 Apr 1996, Eogan wrote:

:What is the most important duty of the Crown? -<snip>-  Making sure 
:that people who play, and deserve to win something, get recognized.  This 
:is their primary duty, as far as I am concerned.  I would also like to 
:point out that THE CROWN DOES NOT KNOW OR SEE ALL!  In order for them to 
:fufill their primary duty of recognition, all of us (yes, you too) must 
:let them know if we know of some good gentle who has not gotten the 
:recognition they deserve.  The Crown can't give out awards if they are 
:unaware of the many good deeds that go on in the kingdom, and there is no 
:way they can do this without everyone's help.  Just a little reminder ;)


I'd like to remind people that ANYONE can make a recommendation to the
Crowns for ANY award - you don't have to have an AoA to nominate a
deserving gentle for that accolade; likewise, you needn't be a member of a
Kingdom order to recommend someone to the Sea Stag, Pearl, or Golden
Dolphin. Et cetera.

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