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Re: Duty(ies) of the Crown

What is the most important duty of the Crown?  Obviously NOT what an 
actual King or Queens duty would be in period-- to lead a nation.  
Regardless of how political things can seem at times, it is well to 
remember that the SCA is not a government, it's a game.  The Crown 
happens to be "in charge" of the game in a limited area for a limited 
time.  And what does being "in charge" of this game entail?  Making sure 
that people who play, and deserve to win something, get recognized.  This 
is their primary duty, as far as I am concerned.  I would also like to 
point out that THE CROWN DOES NOT KNOW OR SEE ALL!  In order for them to 
fufill their primary duty of recognition, all of us (yes, you too) must 
let them know if we know of some good gentle who has not gotten the 
recognition they deserve.  The Crown can't give out awards if they are 
unaware of the many good deeds that go on in the kingdom, and there is no 
way they can do this without everyone's help.  Just a little reminder ;)

"It's Only Just A Game!"

On Wed, 17 Apr 1996, David H Ritterskamp wrote:

>      Leifr said:
>      ..BECAUSE, the most important duty of the Crown is the recognition of 
>      Merit in the populace of the Kingdom.  Not court ability, not leading 
>      wars, not the ability to conduct diplomacy, not meeting management, 
>      not heading curia.  The most important Royal duty is giving people 
>      their cookies.  
>      Which raises a very good question and comment all at once (thanks, 
>      Leifr!)
>      Comment:  I don't know what the MOST important duty of the Royals is.  
>      For that matter, I don't know if there's an actual list, or just a set 
>      of traditions.
>      Question:  What IS the most important duty of the Royals?
>      ("What is best in life?" said the barbarian leader.)("Conan the 
>      Barbarian", for the film-quote challenged.)
>      Seriously, folx, what IS the most important duty of the Royals?  Any 
>      thoughts, your Highness?
>      J. Blackbow
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