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Re: The Rose is back and the =20 thingys

     Hi guys,
     Yea, it's another CC:Mail "feature". I have them too. I'm not sure 
     what causes them, special characters and line breaks seem to be the 
     most common cause. This shows what's going on. Check your tag line 
     here, Eoghan.
     See ya,

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: The Rose is back and the =20 thingys
Author:  Gene Bonar <grb@fns.com> at env.duke.edu
Date:    4/18/96 5:13 PM

Oh Great and Wise J. Blackbow,
Although I do have cats that occasionally perch on my shoulder, they are not 
the cause of the =3D20 etc.  I checked the copy I sent out and the copy I 
received back from the Rose and neither copy had =3D20s or =3Danything else. 
Sounds like a goofy gateway somewhere.
I would be interested to hear if anyone else is experiencing this problem.
E=F2ghan mac Ailpein, Pict, Late 800's 
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia=09
mka  Gene Bonar  grb@fns.com  9191 772 1112 
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