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Re: Scoutmaster royalty

Finvarr writes:

"A lady who's name I forget (sorry) says that if the royalty only pass out
the awards, it's the equivalent to passing out the juice and cookies on
time at a Scout meeting.  I did not find it anywhere that easy (and I have
passed out the juice and cookies at Cub meetings and don't underrate the
challenge).  These decisions are all-important.  They show what is to be
emulated and what is to be avoided.  If you give awards to the right
people it encourages them and builds up the kingdom.  If you give them to
the wrong people, it can be disaster." 

I spent three years as a Girl Scout leader as well.  But what I was saying
was not that "if the royalty only pass out the awards, it's the equivalent
to passing out the juice and cookies on time at a Scout meeting," I was 
saying that passing out awards shouldn't be the *most important* thing 
that a king does.

"Having given a peerage to someone who was an absolute disaster, I really
don't see the charge of recognizing merit and giving awards to the
meritorious as a light one.  Far from it." 

I would agree that this is a duty that a king has to think about before 
he does.  But it isn't *THE* most important thing a king can do.

As I b'leeve I said in the previous message (or at least *meant* to say) 
the most important thing a king to do is to behave in such a manner that 
the people can believe that he is THE KING.  For some people, apparently, 
this just means handing out the awards.

Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal
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