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OK,OK I give about the =20 thingys
Well, look at it this way. At least we know your cats don't do MIME routines.
[ducks and covers his head to escape the groans, snickering]
Actually, maybe it would be better if they did - wouldn't you like to see Gene's
cats do their mime of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof?
OK, OK...two pun minimum [is that like two drink minimum?]
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Subject: OK,OK I give about the =20 thingys
Author: Gene Bonar <grb@fns.com> at INTERNET
Date: 4/19/96 3:40 PM
At 18:28 4/18/96 -0400, Cheryl L. Martin wrote:
>Okay, here's a little email lesson. Eoghan's mail software encodes his
>messages into MIME format. For some of us that's not a problem and we
>receive the message and it looks just fine(PINE which I'm using,
>automatically decodes MIME for me), some of us(ie Jonathan Blackbow)
>receives the message with weird characters stuck in it. This is because
>their mail readers don't do MIME.
OK, Cheryl is right. I haven't read all of the responses but the jist is,
Gene is using MIME. I use Eudora Pro and it is set for MIME. Until now
this has not been a problem because everyone else here at Fujitsu is using
Eudora Pro. Our company standard is uuencode, which have switch back to.
Finally, in at least one case I had used a special character, I fixed it.
I'm happy to know you all cared enough to answer, I wish, however, it had
been my cats. UUencode seems so prosaic.
Eoghan mac Ailpein, Pict, Late 800's
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
mka Gene Bonar grb@fns.com 9191 772 1112
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Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 15:28:28 -0400
To: atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu
From: Gene Bonar <grb@fns.com>
Subject: OK,OK I give about the =20 thingys
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