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Re: Stierbach Water

> Evan, expounding on the properties of Stierbachian Water:
> > Going back through old records we saw that the efficacy of Stierbach
> > Water had been noticed since the beginnings of the Shire. Imbibing it
> > has a marked positive influence on the imbiber's fertility.
> > 
> > Recent Stierbach Water-related children include (but are not limited to)
> > Anne and Pascal's pair, Beonne & David's two girls, Brocc and Miriam's
> > daughter (and one in the oven), Anneke's niece, and Alaric's child due
> > in Sept.
> In light of your convincing evidence, I was wondering if your Shire would
> consider selling small vials of it for the benefit of those who have not
> made the Pilgrimage. ;)

  Seems to me there Leifr has documented (?) cases of folks
experiencing the full effect of Stierbach water from visiting a SINGLE
EVENT.  Apparently bottled water is a very popular addition to the
feast basket at Stierbach events...
  But then again it might just be that storks roost in the area.
               Rasimus die Wiese | Rasmus d'Obscurite
             Razmus the Innocent | Rich Weissler
           (h)azrael@access.digex.net, (w)razmus@crown.com
   *****  Fools rush in where fools have been before.  *****
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