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Re: Barony of the Western Seas (long)
Karen Elisa Green Wrote
>The Palatine Barony of the Far West is a part of the Westrealm and it
>includes Japan, may also include Guam, dunno.
I have lived in the Palatinate of the Far West. Yes, it is part of the West.
It includes Japan, Okinawa, and Korea. When I was there, they were doing
some type of
alternating Fighting/A&S method for choosing their B&B's. (I was a little
busy in
Korea to pay too much attention to the SCA.) There was a regular fighter
at Yongsan (American Army Post) on Sundays. Armored combat only. The Korean
restricts (or it used to) the importing such dangerous weapons as fencing
Oh well.....
For what it's worth
A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are taken
and quietly strangled - Anon
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