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Re: Well, if no one else is going to comment.
On Tue, 23 Apr 1996 17:22:46 -0400 Corun MacAnndra wrote:
>Leifr wrote a pretty fair summation of Coronation, so I will add to it.
>The day was lovely, if a bit windy. Fortunately the wind blew the impending
>rain right past and we didn't get even a sprinkle. In fact, I and many
>others got a bit sunburned.
A *bit* sunburned? Hon, I got roasted! And it's been really fun trying to explain to my classmates (high school) how I got a burn way down my chest and not on my shoulders . . .
>to serving the tables, and while doing so, every table got exactly the right
>portions of every dish that was served. It wasn't until the adults took over
>from you that things started to go slightly awry.
Small complaint here, for my friend Lindy's (misspelled, I'm sure) sake. Our table missed one dish entirely, I think it was veggies. I was sick at that point and not hungry, but Lindy was looking forward to it and was very upset that our table got gypped somehow. So to whatever table took an extra veggie tray, [rude suggestion].
Ok, I'm done now.
--Genevieve Chasteignier de Carcassonne
mka Jennifer Maxson
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