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Re: Well, if no one else is going to comment.

Leifr wrote a pretty fair summation of Coronation, so I will add to it.

The day was lovely, if a bit windy. Fortunately the wind blew the impending
rain right past and we didn't get even a sprinkle. In fact, I and many
others got a bit sunburned.

This was the first time for me hosting an event of the magnitude of a
Coronation, and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who
attended and most especially, those who actually put the event together and
made it run as smoothly as it did. Folks, there are not enough words to
convey my gratitude.

Lady Johanna, as Mistress of the Hall, you did a marvelous job. The event
was spectacular. Now take a long, much needed nap.

Mistress Jaelle, you did a wonderful job with the feast. Every course was
delicious and done to perfection.

Those of you who worked so hard with Jaelle to bring this feast to fruition,
thank you so much for your assistance in the kitchen. You are magnificent
(especially you, Xena ;-).

And lest I not forget the children of Storvik; Lady Janina pulled me aside
during the feast to tell me that at the beginning of the feast you all took
to serving the tables, and while doing so, every table got exactly the right
portions of every dish that was served. It wasn't until the adults took over
from you that things started to go slightly awry. I feel confidant that when
your parents and the rest of us codgers are too old and feeble to carry on,
the Barony of Storvik and the Kingdom of Atlantia will be in good hands.

Noellia (my apologies for forgetting your SCA name), thank you and your crew
so much for attending to High Table. Such attention to detail did not go
unnoticed nor unappreciated.

To the Barony of Lochmere, many thanks for allowing us the use of your site.
I hope we can one day repay the favour.

To the Barony of Ponte Alto, thank you for dragging your thrones along only
to find that they weren't needed.

Duke Richard and Count Dafydd, thank you for attending to the field.

Kendrick, Oswulf, Sean and the rest of the Thugs, thankyou for being there
when needed.

Duke Cuan and Countess Brigit, I know I told each of you this personally,
but will again say what a pleasure it was having you both not only in our
Barony (well, Lochmere to be exact, but you know what I mean), but on the
thrones of Atlantia for the past six months. It has been my pleasure and
honour to serve you.

Your Majesties, I was only the hosting Baron, and it was the people of
Storvik and the others whom I have mentioned here who did all the work. I
was pleased that we were able to host Your Coronation, but I can not take
any credit for it myself. That credit goes to the people who made the magic
happen for all of us. I consider myself fortunate indeed to be surrounded by
such examples of generosity, grace and courtesy. I mean this from my heart,
and I swear to strive to be worthy of them.

In service to Storvik and Atlantia,
Corun MacAnndra
Baron Storvik

   Corun MacAnndra   | If you see something this big, with eight legs, coming
 Dark Horde by birth |  toward you, let me know. I have to kill it before it
   Moritu by choice  |   develops language skills.   --   L. Mollari

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