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Re: Boundaries of Aethelmearc (was Re: Crowns)

> and un-named territory that lies beyond the safety of Highland Foorde;
> mundanely, Garrett County Maryland. 
> Currently, or at least according to the latest Map of The Known World that
> I have (dated 1990), this is the penninsular bit of Atlantia that's
> completely surrounded by Aethelmearc.

Yes, but part of what surrounds you is itself a penninsular bit of
AEthelmarc (Sylvan Glen) which is completely surrounded by
Atlantia. It's the part that I used to drive through on my way to
Highland Foorde events. These groups are quite friendly and play
together often, and I don't think any of them want to join the other

Gregory Blount

(p.s. now that you mention it, the Map of the Known World is really
inaccurate in that area. It shows Ponte Alto as being well west of
Isenfir... but the border with AEthelmarc over there is Isenfir

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