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Re: Well, if no one else is (fwd)

Lady Nia wrote:

>Drool factor of 10...the scrolls for Cuan  and Brigit, both songs and titles,

This is a reference to a **Splendiferous** pair of scrolls given to Their Ex-
Majesties with words to a song written about "13th Night" and the blizzard. 
Illumination of King Cuan being beaned by a snow ball, Queen Bridgit mopping
floors, endless drumming, etc.  Wonderful job!

I wonder if the Baron and Baroness of Black Diamond (autocrats of 12th, 13th
and 14th night) have the words to the song as well?

And has the song changed since it was last posted to the Merry Rose?

        - Anarra
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