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RE: newbie! sick them dogs of war on me

Robert Montague wrote:

>          Ok, I am a newbie and just got the info about this list 
>please no one flame me for not being educated more aout the SCA. I do 
>have a problem understanding the lingo of the SCA, some things I know 
>but I have a lot to learn, if anyone has anything that can help me 
>please forward it my way. 

My lord, a few years ago I worked up "An SCA Lexicon" for new members in
our Barony.  It's basically an SCA/English dictionary, about 5 pages long.
It's not on-line yet, but I'd be happy to mail you a hardcopy if you'd
like.  Just reply to me with your address, and I'll ship it on.

I'm happy that you enjoyed your first event.  This Coronation was a wonderful
event and a great way to get your feet wet.  We hope you'll be back.

Yours in Service

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