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Re: newbie! sick them dogs of war on me
One thing Deirdre forgot to mention is this... SCAdians love to talk :)
If you are at an event and see someone doing something you are interested
in, or are confusded about something, just ask that person. You will be
overwhelme with information, and chances are, you won't be able to get
them to shut-up ;)
(Someone else who is interested in period dental hygenie! I better hang
on to them while I have the chance!)
On Wed, 24 Apr 1996 Charlenn@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 96-04-23 21:03:09 EDT, pboykin@averett.gamewood.net (Pete)
> writes:
> > Greetings M'Lords and M'Ladys,
> >
> > Ok, I am a newbie and just got the info about this list
> >please no one flame me for not being educated more aout the SCA.
> I wouldn't dream of it. Actually, your post made me smile as I remembered my
> first event...also a Coronation. I felt totally out of place and didn't
> understand half of what was going on. Just when I had decided that I wouldn't
> come back, I got the opportunity of listening to a brand new Laurel, Master
> James, tell stories. I realized then that there was something worth coming
> back for. A magic moment for me.
> I then started helping in the kitchen (a great way to get to know people) and
> listening to the advice of people who had been in the Society for a while. It
> wasn't long before I began to feel more comfortable. Welcome to a great
> hobby!
> -Deirdre
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