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Answers & A&S Stuff (was: Question)

Goodness gracious, another SCAdian at InterCon!  <g>

Dear comrade in arms, welcome back!

The surcharge, as far as I know, is lifted; and all the peoples say, Amen!

Centreville, I believe, is Stierbach; Leifr, Evan, am I right?

And as to events, (shameless plug mode on:) there will be a Stierbach A&S 
gathering as HasenSchloss (the home of our chronicler, Rowan Berran McDowell 
of Roscommon, and of John the Unwashed, Archer Geek Extraordinaire, and of our 
A&S maven, Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid [I think I got it right!]) this very 
Thursday, Apr. 25, at 7 PM.  I will be officiating as A&S deputy pro-tem 
(until Kristin finishes her weary studies in the great field of medicine, 
etc.!), and the subject matter will be: Favors.  

There will be various ribbons, beads, fabrics, flosses, thingies, and whatnot, 
not to mention many a cross-stitch pattern for reference; bring your 
imagination and an image in your mind of your beloved, or a friend, or someone 
whose SCA (or mundane!) courtesy has touched your heart in some way, and begin 
a favor to present unto them!

Drop me a note and I'll send directions; HasenSchloss is in Sterling, mere 
minutes from Route 7 in Virginia.  Or else, if there is sufficient interest, 
I'll post the directions here.

Cheers, and welcome home, 

Meli ferch Iasper
(not a lady yet, but surrounded by many fine examples to emulate ....  <g>)

> Greetings good gentles! After an absence of about a year (both at 
> events & the Merry Rose), I'm back! This year has seen lots of changes 
> for me, which unfortunately kept me from being active. But now I have 
> more free time and more money so I'm trying to get back into things. 
> My question is this: is there still a non-member surcharge or has 
> that been lifted? I remember the controversy that it stirred up when 
> it first happened, so I was curious as to whether it was still in place 
> or not. 
> Oh, one other question: what barony/shire does Centreville belong to? 
> My geography (mundane or SCA) is awful! 
> I appreciate whatever help you can give in regards to these queries. 
> Yours in Service, 
> Lady Muireann ni Riordain 

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